parrot versus kali linux I don't use any of them
okay I use Arch okay so we can change any standard arch distribution into a blackarch okay and it's
very easy if you want to do okay the problem with black Arch it's comes pre-installed with a lot
of tools okay it's installation process is also tedious and I kind of like Arch craft okay
so I wanted to make my own arch distribution into a black Arch so I can install all
the hacking tools for that actually you um you can come here on the official website of
black Arch downloads uh in the download section you will find a section called install on top
of ask Linux black Arch Linux is compatible with existing normal Arch installation
it acts as an unofficial repository okay you can run it okay just run these lines of code
if you are here just to want to convert your own distribution into blackarch distribution just run
this script if you wanted to know what's happening behind the scene we will talk about this thing
and if you see if you want to see me doing this thing uh you can jump to somewhere of my okay I
will link timestamps okay so you can jump through my videos if you want so for that it is saying
it would be the part of an official repository what are repositories let's look at official
documentation of Arch Linux a software repository is a storage location from which software packages
are retrieved for the installation okay okay so this is the location from where all packets are
stored and we can get it and install them uh these are the official repositories core extra
let me show you okay just um if I zoom pacman if I do like tag as I uh cronie okay so cronie will be installed from core
repository okay and it's official repository okay that's fine but if I wanted to install something
like feroxbuster Buster I won't be able to do it why because it's not part of any official
distribution or any official repository not distribution official repository so you mean these
are the location there where your all the tools can be find and retrieved so let's look at there
okay so we can look them at etc and Pacman config pacman.conf okay is it so this is the extra
these are the official extra core Community there's an unofficial one for Archcraft as well
this distribution has created their own repository and there's no blackarch that's why we cannot
install any blackarch tools or hacking tools so for that let's see if I can open any of them
let's cut out this thing and these are the links these are the server where all your packages okay
all your uh Arch Linux packages are hosted okay you can see them uh and why so many links that
simply mean they are redundant okay so if one server goes down you can you can use different
server okay it's a good thing to have different server uh so many as many as you can okay so yeah
and these all repositories consist the same thing okay if I open this one and okay it has the also
the same thing okay just okay only visual changes okay just remove it and we can walk through like
core repository over select your architecture and we can search like uh Fair cronie and you have
cronie and you can install it from here extract it install it and verify with the signature
but you don't want to do it again and again okay so for that we have a tool called Pacman and
Pacman is a package manager okay it's install it it downloads it installed on your system okay you
don't need to download it from here then verify the signature you don't need to do that okay and
that's why it's great but the thing is uh there's no feroxbuster or gobuster okay uh there's nothing
like that okay you can look in other repositories like community and select OS and this will
gonna take a bit of time because these are the repository tools created by Community people
okay uh not community people these are the tools which are widely used okay so and Community people
of course it is community project open source so the thing is we can search like gobuster and I
cannot find Gobuster because this is not a part of uh this is Arch Linux is not a hacking just or
blackarch is a hacking distro so if I want to get this repository okay so I need to run this command
okay I have to first install this script download this script and this script consists some of
the instructions uh you can read through it okay some of the instruction to add these links in
your system okay so first of all let's verify this thing okay I can verify it it's okay I can
change the permission from here okay executable permission now you have to execute this with
sudo privileges just remember that okay and now installing the arch keyrings okay and after
that you will be able to install all the hacking tools okay and here's it it's syncing all your
tools and it's here all the server list available enable multilib following okay you have to
you should okay you don't have to but you should enable multilib and how can you do that
let's see okay if you want to enable multilibs okay pacman.config uh you can find multilib
somewhere okay here is it okay if it is commented something like that remove the pound
sign okay remove it enable it okay and that's all and now you can see we also have Archcraft okay
sorry blackarch okay so now we have blackarch so you can see their links like for an
example if I do Pacman active slash black Arch let's cut out this now these are the servers
which are hosting all of your hacking tools okay around the world like let's open the Japan one
okay this maybe they are maybe FTP okay I have to remove pink Pawn sign dollar signs okay again
a new visual thing you can also install OVA and ISO from here okay uh so let's talk about just
blackarch okay blackarch OS and architecture 64 whatever you want to collect and if I search here
something like gobuster I should have this thing gobuster okay here's it okay and you can install
it by clicking here and look at this thing it's still taking that it's a huge repository okay
if you look here it's a huge report okay now you have all the hacking tools uh you can install
it from so let's give it a shot if I do now feroxbuster yeah I can install it now because
it's available in the arch repository and I have installed the arch repository so for that I can
just do it okay and run it now I have feroxbuster okay we are good to go so that's how you can
install uh or any hacking tool on your ask distribution and that's how you can convert any
Arch distribution into a packing distribution uh just you have to run these commands Okay
I just shown you how things Works behind the scene so you know actually what is happening
and today you know why Pacman is important tool you don't need to do a lot of hustle and
this is this is not the case with Pacman this is case with Yum and uh other package manager
like Apt okay they Works in similar Fashions okay so thank you so much for watching okay
see you by this just stop the video stop it